Genealogical Inquiries

tombstone-rubbingSearching for information on your ancestor…or someone else’s?

You came to the right place. Calvary Caretaker Terry Miller has handled thousands of genealogical inquiries over the years. He will help you with your inquiry.

“The best way to work on family history is to email me with the names you are looking for,” says Terry. “I usually can respond in a couple of days.”

Terry can provide a researcher with a gravesite location. The researcher simply has to refer to the online map to easily find the site.

Tombstone rubbing is allowed at Calvary, as long as care is given not to unsettle the stone, and the stone is stable enough on its base to safely allow for the pressure of the rubbing operation. Although great care is taken at Calvary to make sure all stones remain stable, it’s possible to encounter one that has recently become a bit unsteady. Please report any stones that appear loose or unstable to Terry immediately.

To ask Terry about your ancestor(s), email him at


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