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Calvary Cemetery is looking for one or two volunteers to compile a gravesite registry.

“This is our customer service initiative for 2024” explained Terry Miller, Calvary Caretaker.

“Our goal is to compile the information to enable an online search engine. With that anyone could go online to our website, plug in a name and get the location of a headstone,” he said.

The idea for the project is simply an extension of the cemetery’s successful online blog and Facebook presence. It’s about customer convenience.

“We’ve been online for 10 years now,” said Terry. “That has revolutionized how fast and easily I can provide information to our Calvary families and prospective Calvary families. It’s been a tremendous communication enhancement and now we want to step it up a notch.”

The first step in the project is to transfer the information on paper notecards to a spreadsheet. So, Terry is looking for one or two volunteers to key in the information.

For more information, or to express an interest in volunteering, call Terry at 507.995.1010.